What is CAMP?
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at the University of New Mexico is 100% federally funded through the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education in the amount of $2,125,000 for a 5-year grant period. CAMP program was established to identify, recruit, admit, and enroll migrant and seasonal farm worker students and provide them with academic, social, and financial support to enable the completion of their first year of college.

- Helps students transition from secondary school to post-secondary school.
- Fosters the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in post-secondary school.
- Facilitates students’ development of the academic skills, personal self-confidence, and financial resources necessary to continue in an undergraduate program at UNM.
- In addition, after their first year of participation in the program, CAMP students have the opportunity to receive on-going academic support services from the Division of Student Affairs. These support services may facilitate CAMP students' retention in higher education through graduation and beyond.
Informacion del Programa
El Programa Universitario de Asistencia a la persona Migrante (CAMP) de la Universidad de Nuevo México es patrocinado por el Departemento de Educacion. El Programa residencial CAMP fue establecido para identificar, reclutar, admitir e inscribir a estudiantes agrícolas migrantes y proveerles el apoyo académico, social y financiero para habilitarlos a completar su primer año de estudios en la universidad.